Painless and permanent removal
They start out like normal freckles. But at some point, these spots that typically appear on the face or the back of the hands give away your age at first glance. In most cases these spots are nothing but harmless pigment densification (so-called Lentigo benigna). Although there are a number of cosmetic camouflage and bleaching creams on the market, these often do not live up to expectations. We treat pigment spots (pigmented lesions) and age spots using state-of-the-art medical laser technology. The laser treatment with the q-switched KTP laser (INTROS laser) is an effective alternative in the treatment of pigment spots and age spots that has minimal side effects. The laser impulses destroy the accumulation of pigment without damaging the skin surface and the spots disappear within a few weeks. The treatment is virtually painless and scar-free.